MADE TO ORDER Movie Quotes

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MADE TO ORDER Movie Quotes


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Framed Original

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  • approx. 9.5” by 9.5”

  • White Frame

  • 144 keys = ~2 recycled keyboards

Quotes Available

Yoda 1 - “Do or do not. There is no try.”

Harvey Dent in Batman 1 - “The night is darkest just before the dawn and I promise you the dawn is coming.”

Gandalf 1 - “All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us.”

Shrek 1 - “After a while you learn the names people call you and. Just trust who you are.”

Margo in Paper Towns 1 -  “You have to get lost before you find yourself.”

Ferris Bueller 1 - “Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.”

Dory 1 - “ When life gets you down you know what you gotta do-just keep swimming.”

Adonis Creed 1 - “ If we didn’t do what we loved, we wouldn’t exist.”

Rhett Butler in Gone With the Wind 1 - “Frankly, my dear, I don’t give a damn.”

Uncle Ben in Spiderman 1 - “With great power comes great responsibility”

Batman 1 - It’s not who I am underneath but what I do that defines me.”

Mr. Keating from Dead Poets Society 1 - Carpe diem! Seize the day, boys. Make your life extraordinary!”

Hitch 1 - Life is not the amount of breaths you take, it’s the moments that take your breath away.”

Rafiki 1 - “Oh yes, the past can hurt but you can either run from it or learn from it.”

JK Rowling 1 - "It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live."

Terminator 1 - "Hasta la vista, baby." “I’ll be back.”

Gollum in Lord of the Rings 1 - "It’s mine, I tell you. My own. My precious."

Dumbledore 1 - "It is not our abilities that show what we truly are. It is our choices."

Iroh from Avatar 1 - “Life happens wherever you are, whether you make it or not.”

Legend of Korra 1 - “Even though we should learn from those who came before us, we must also forge our own path.”

Ash from Pokemon 1 - “You see, sometimes friends have to go away, but a part of them stays behind with you.”

Ash from Pokemon 2 - “There’s no sense in going out of your way to get somebody to like you.”

Layla from Supernatural 1 - “If you’re going to have faith, you can’t just have it when miracles happen, you have to have it when they dont.”

Sam Winchester from Supernatural 1 - “It doesn’t matter what you are, it only matters what you do. It’s your choice.”

Sam Winchester from Supernatural 2 - “We’re far from perfect, but we are good”

Dean Winchester from Supernatural 1 - “No matter how much it hurts, no matter how hard it gets, you gotta keep grinding.”

Spock from Star Trek 1 - “Logic is the beginning of wisdom, not the end.”

Captain Kirk from Star Trek 1 - “The prejudices people feel about each other disappear when they get to know each other”

Zelda 1 - “The sword has no strength unless the hand that holds it has courage.”

Lex from Smallville 1 - “You are your own worst enemy”

Mr. Miyagi from Karate Kid 1 - “If come from inside you, always right one.”

Vegeta from Dragon Ball Z 1 - “Push through the pain. Giving up hurts more.”

Piccolo from Dragon Ball Z 1 - “Sometimes, we have to look beyond what we want and do what’s best.”

Jack Skellington from The Nightmare Before Christmas 1 - “Just because I cannot see it doesn’t mean I can’t believe it.”

Sponge Bob 1 - “You never know the true value of a moment until it becomes a memory.”

Doc Brown from Back to the Future 1 - “Your future hasn’t been written yet. No one’s has. Your future is whatever you make it. So make it a good one.”

Michael J Fox 1 - “When life takes away, something of greater value is always given in return.”

Mr. Feeny from Boy Meets World 1 - “Believe in yourselves. Dream. Try. Do good.”

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